Alessandro Miniussi

Alessandro Miniussi
he studied piano with Maestro Luciano Gante in Trieste and graduated from the "Giuseppe Tartini" Conservatory in Trieste under the guidance of Maestro Massimo Gon. He attended the Music Improvement Courses in Cividale del Friuli in 1993 with M ° Larissa Dedova teacher at the PITschaikovskj Conservatory in Moscow and in 1996 at the “Ino Mirkovich Academy in Lovran in Croatia with M ° L. Dedova and M. Voltchok in as a soloist and in four hands, performing at the final concert.
He has performed as a soloist, in a four-handed duo, in a duo with violin and with guitar, for various Cultural Associations in the Region, as a soloist in Slovenia, in Piran "Casa Tartini for the Community of Italians and in Losinj (HR) always for the Italian Community. He has held concert lessons at various institutes and prepared students for competitions and state exams at the Giuseppe Tartini Conservatory of Trieste.
He was the organizer of the Pomeriggi Musicali festival in the church of S. Stefano di Vermegliano, from 1998 to 2002. He taught at the Municipal Music School of Ruda (UD) and currently at the Musical and Cultural Association of Farra d'Isonzo, l '88 Sounds Association of Staranzano (GO) and the Gorizia Music Institute.

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